Classroom ActivitiesBinary Baubles - This lesson uses the concept of binary to illustrate how a computer codes data that will be stored for use later. It incorporates the idea of opposites, then describes versions of opposites (like up/down and off/on) that can substitute for the stereotypical ones and zeros.
My Robotic Friend - Using a predefined “Robot Vocabulary” your students will figure out how to guide one another to accomplish specific tasks without discussing them first. This segment teaches students the connection between symbols and actions, as well as the valuable skill of debugging.
Computer Science Without Computers - CS Unplugged is a collection of free learning activities that teach Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around.The activities introduce students to Computational Thinking through concepts such as binary numbers, algorithms and data compression, separated from the distractions and technical details of having to use computers. Importantly, no programming is required to engage with these ideas!
Board Games?Code Monkey Island is the most exciting educational board game in the world. It teaches kids how to use and master the fundamentals of computer science, and is played in thousands of homes, schools, libraries, and after school camps around the world. Order your copy today from Amazon and experience the excitement of code!
Robot Turtles is a board game for kids inspired by the Logo programming language. It provides crucial brain development and computer programming skills to children as young as 4 years old in the context of family fun. Players dictate the movements of their Robot Turtle tokens on a game board by playing Code Cards: Forward, Left and Right. When a player's Robot Turtle reaches a jewel they win!